Publication: Experiential approaches to sustainability education-towards learning landscapes

Applying the learning landscape metaphor to exploring experiential approaches to HESD. Source: Backman et al (2019) Experiential approaches to sustainability education: towards learning landscapes, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 20 Issue: 1, pp.139-156,

In the recent publication Malin Backman et al. critically reflect the current specialist discourse on experiential approaches to higher education for sustainable development (HESD). Limitations to the current discourse are identified, and as a result, an alternative, learning landscape approach to the study of experiential education (EE) within HESD is suggested. Malin Backman was appointed as a fellow at the SUSPLACE research project Connected Learning Spaces from April 2016 till June 2018.

Conclusion: “This paper demonstrated how discussion on the role of experiential approaches within HESD can benefit from shifting towards a student-centred perspective and by exploring students learning experiences in-depth. The proposed conceptual framework organises the learning landscape into place, activity and outcome as these components are found relevant to studying experiential approaches within HESD. It is suggested social interaction is present within these components, where students’ interaction among each other and with actors involved both directly and indirectly in the educational initiatives influences the learning process. Furthermore, this approach moves away from looking at each learning initiative individually and considers the role of experiential approaches within HESD from a broader perspective, acknowledging other approaches to learning and education present within the students’ learning landscapes. Further research is needed to capture the various aspects shaping learning landscapes to better understand the role of experiential approaches within the learning landscapes of university students. A learning landscape approach can enhance understanding of the role of experiential approaches within HESD, and explore sustainability related learning experiences of university students from a broader, more realistic perspective.”

Keywords: Experiential education, Experiential learning, Learning landscape,
Higher education for sustainable development, Education for sustainable development, Sustainability

Reference: Malin Backman, Hannah Pitt, Terry Marsden, Abid Mehmood, Erik Mathijs, (2019) “Experiential approaches to sustainability education: towards learning landscapes”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 20 Issue: 1, pp.139-156,

A accepted post print version is available at the Cardiff University repository: