Youth profile of the Cardiff Capital Region

By Lorena Axinte

For my research project Sustainable city-regions I’ve wrapped my head around the statistics available in Wales, trying to get a general picture before starting my fieldwork. I learned that more than 50% of all young people (aged 16-24) in Wales live in the south eastern part of the country, in Cardiff Capital Region. Here, they tend to be healthier than the overall population, but they also struggle with unemployment and income deprivation. Still, they’re definitely not a homogeneous group as there are significant differences between the ten local authorities that make up the city-region.

I gathered all this information in a ‘youth profile’ and despite being far from exhaustive, this analysis highlights the importance of place and local context. At the same time, it points out the need for tailored approaches necessary to support the city-region’s future generations in their transition towards adult life.

I was not able, unfortunately, to find any information regarding aspects such as personal wellbeing, political and community engagement, or place attachment, to name only a few. But this is equally important: what is it that we don’t know about young people and how can we engage with them to overcome these gaps? Hopefully, my fieldwork will bring some answers to this question. Meanwhile, I would like this analysis to be a live project, one that develops through the readers’ feedback and ideas – so please get in contact ( and let me know what you think!