Transforming Places Together: a @SUSPLACE_ITN & @RECOMS_ITN follow up blog

Transforming Places Together has been launched. The blog has been initiated by Prof. Lummina Horlings and Dr Gwenda van der Vaart, both affiliated at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The new blog is meant to offer a platform on transformative change and is open to contributions by others. The blog is a follow up and sponsored by the MSCA ITN funded programs SUSPLACE and RECOMS.

Goal is to create awareness and provide inspiration about the transformative change needed in the context of the most pressing issue of our time: climate change and our currently unsustainable way of living.

Therefore, communication and dissemination about the transformation of places and communities is needed, and how people, businesses, and governments can support this. 

The blog focuses on inspiration, information, networking and impact beyond already existing project websites. Contributions about research and other inspirational knowledge is welcomed from various people and organisations. 

The blog:
a) provides information on how people, citizens initiatives and resourceful communities collectively can shape and transform their neighborhood, city, village, area in light of the challenges we face (climate change, energy transition, urbanization etc.), in order to create more sustainability and resilience (communication goal).

b) provides a platform for knowledge exchange in the Netherlands and internationally. It shares research results via input from researchers in the Netherlands and abroad (including European projects suchs as SUSPLACE and RECOMS), making connections between people, research projects and programs (network goal)

c) aims to create social impact through knowledge valorisation: translating scientific information towards non-academic parties (practical experts, policy makers,consultants, relevant social organizations) and vice versa: translating practical knowledge into scientific relevance (impact goal).
